clinical decision support
Radiology Associates of Appleton understands the importance of being accessible to referring providers for consults and other issues related to patient care. Our Interventional Radiologists are available in house from 8:00am – 5:00pm to help our medical colleagues answer questions, review clinical information, and discuss guidance on any additional testing that may be necessary. We are also available after hours through direct phone contact.
contact information
Thedacare Appleton Medical Center 8:00am-5:00pm (920) 831-5170
Thedacare Appleton Medical Center 8:00pm-5:00pm (920) 738-7491 (Beth Resch, NP) 554-0055 (pager)
After hours Hotline 5:00pm-8:00am (920 ) 731-4101 (paged through AMC operator).

online resources
Online Resources: This site offers extensive resources for online learning activities, with teaching files and links to other information such as journals and organizations related to our specialty. Please click on the color link above.
ACR appropriateness criteria
The ACR Appropriateness Criteria® (AC) are evidence-based guidelines to assist referring physicians and other providers in making the most appropriate imaging or treatment decision for a specific clinical condition. Employing these guidelines helps providers enhance quality of care and contribute to the most efficacious use of radiology. More than 200 volunteer physicians — including representatives from 20 medical specialty organizations — participate in the ACR AC expert panels, developing and updating these transparent guidelines. As a recognized national source for appropriate imaging, the ACR AC is available for review and research by all interested individuals. For Basic Access and Advanced Search options, please click on each color link.

radiologist followup
Just as we perform our due dilligence to provide the appropriate directed physical examination before procedures, we also take the responsibilty to followup our patients afterwards. We will work closely with you to assess the patient’s appropriateness for discharge, and determine the course of followup if needed. We also provide followup phone calls once the patients are discharged, and help to answer any questions they may have.
The Interventional Radiology services provided at Radiology Associates are extensive, and staffed by all fellowship trained, board certified subspecialists. All requests for biopsy and Interventional Radiological procedures are reviewed prior to these procedures. These requests can be initiated by physician chart order, or via direct contact with one of our Physician colleagues.

If you have a question about the many services Radiology Associates of Appleton provides, or would like to refer a patient to us, please feel free to phone or fax us.
Radiology Associates of Appleton, S.C.
P.O. Box 117
Appleton, WI 54912
Office: (920) 739-5642
FAX: (920) 2028236
AppleRad is committed to providing exceptional patient care and high quality imaging services. Your feedback is important to us, and will allow us to modify and improve the level of service to those we are priveged to serve.